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Land reclamation Regulations

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  Land reclamation Regulations

 Decree of The State Council of the People's Republic of China No. 592
  Premier Wen Jiabao 
  March 5, 2011
  Chapter I General rules
  第一条 为了落实十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地的基本国策,规范土地复垦活动,加强土地复垦管理,提高土地利用的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益,根据《十大网堵平台》,制定本条例。
  第二条 本条例所称土地复垦,是指对生产建设活动和自然灾害损毁的土地,采取整治措施,使其达到可供利用状态的活动。
  第三条 生产建设活动损毁的土地,按照“谁损毁,谁复垦”的原则,由生产建设单位或者个人(以下称土地复垦义务人)负责复垦。但是,由于历史原因无法确定土地复垦义务人的生产建设活动损毁的土地(以下称历史遗留损毁土地),由县级以上人民政府负责组织复垦。
  People's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing the reclamation of land damaged by natural disasters。
  第四条 生产建设活动应当节约集约利用土地,不占或者少占耕地;对依法占用的土地应当采取有效措施,减少土地损毁面积,降低土地损毁程度。
  土地复垦应当坚持科学规划、因地制宜、综合治理、经济可行、合理利用的原则。Reclaimed land shall be given priority for agriculture。
  Article 5 The land and resources department under The State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of land reclamation throughout the country。县级以上地方人民政府国土资源主管部门负责本行政区域土地复垦的监督管理工作。
  第六条 编制土地复垦方案、实施土地复垦工程、进行土地复垦验收等活动,应当遵守土地复垦国家标准;没有国家标准的,应当遵守土地复垦行业标准。
  第七条 县级以上地方人民政府国土资源主管部门应当建立土地复垦监测制度,及时掌握本行政区域土地资源损毁和土地复垦效果等情况。
  第八条 县级以上人民政府国土资源主管部门应当依据职责加强对土地复垦情况的监督检查。The unit or individual under inspection shall truthfully report the situation and provide the necessary information。
  第九条 国家鼓励和支持土地复垦科学研究和技术创新,推广先进的土地复垦技术。
  Chapter II Reclamation of land damaged by production and construction activities
  Article 10 The following damaged land shall be reclaimed by land reclamation obligors:
  (1) Land damaged by surface excavation such as open-pit mining, firing of bricks and tiles, dredging of sand and earth;
  (2) Land caused by surface collapse by underground mining;
  (3) Land occupied by solid wastes such as mining stripping, waste rock, slag and fly ash;
  第十一条 土地复垦义务人应当按照土地复垦标准和国务院国土资源主管部门的规定编制土地复垦方案。
  Article 12 The land reclamation plan shall include the following contents:
  (1) Project overview and land use status of the project area;
  (2) analysis and prediction of damaged land and feasibility evaluation of land reclamation;
  (3) Objectives and tasks of land reclamation;
  (4) Quality requirements and measures to be taken for land reclamation;
  (5) Land reclamation projects and investment assessment (rough) calculation;
  (6) Arrangements for land reclamation expenses;
  (7) Land reclamation work plan and schedule;
  (8) Other contents stipulated by the land and resources department under The State Council。
  第十三条 土地复垦义务人应当在办理建设用地申请或者采矿权申请手续时,随有关报批材料报送土地复垦方案。
  Article 14 The obligor of land reclamation shall carry out land reclamation work in accordance with the land reclamation plan。Mining enterprises shall also conduct dynamic monitoring and evaluation of land damage。
  第十五条 土地复垦义务人应当将土地复垦费用列入生产成本或者建设项目总投资。
  第十六条 土地复垦义务人应当建立土地复垦质量控制制度,遵守土地复垦标准和环境保护标准,保护土壤质量与生态环境,避免污染土壤和地下水。
  It is prohibited to use heavy metal pollutants or other toxic and harmful substances as backfill or filling materials。受重金属污染物或者其他有毒有害物质污染的土地复垦后,达不到国家有关标准的,不得用于种植食用农作物。
  第十七条 土地复垦义务人应当于每年12月31日前向县级以上地方人民政府国土资源主管部门报告当年的土地损毁情况、土地复垦费用使用情况以及土地复垦工程实施情况。
  第十八条 土地复垦义务人不复垦,或者复垦验收中经整改仍不合格的,应当缴纳土地复垦费,由有关国土资源主管部门代为组织复垦。
  The land reclamation fees paid by land reclamation obligors are specially used for land reclamation。No unit or individual may detain, occupy or misappropriate them。
  第十九条 土地复垦义务人对在生产建设活动中损毁的由其他单位或者个人使用的国有土地或者农民集体所有的土地,除负责复垦外,还应当向遭受损失的单位或者个人支付损失补偿费。
  第二十条 土地复垦义务人不依法履行土地复垦义务的,在申请新的建设用地时,有批准权的人民政府不得批准;在申请新的采矿许可证或者申请采矿许可证延续、变更、注销时,有批准权的国土资源主管部门不得批准。
  Chapter III Restoration of damaged land left over by history and land damaged by natural disasters
  第二十一条 县级以上人民政府国土资源主管部门应当对历史遗留损毁土地和自然灾害损毁土地进行调查评价。
  第二十二条 县级以上人民政府国土资源主管部门应当在调查评价的基础上,根据土地利用总体规划编制土地复垦专项规划,确定复垦的重点区域以及复垦的目标任务和要求,报本级人民政府批准后组织实施。
  第二十三条 对历史遗留损毁土地和自然灾害损毁土地,县级以上人民政府应当投入资金进行复垦,或者按照“谁投资,谁受益”的原则,吸引社会投资进行复垦。Where the land right holder is clear, supporting and preferential measures may be taken to encourage the land right holder to reclaim on his own。
  第二十四条 国家对历史遗留损毁土地和自然灾害损毁土地的复垦按项目实施管理。
  第二十五条 政府投资进行复垦的,负责组织实施土地复垦项目的国土资源主管部门应当组织编制土地复垦项目设计书,明确复垦项目的位置、面积、目标任务、工程规划设计、实施进度及完成期限等。
  第二十六条 政府投资进行复垦的,有关国土资源主管部门应当依照招标投标法律法规的规定,通过公开招标的方式确定土地复垦项目的施工单位。
  第二十七条 土地复垦项目的施工单位应当按照土地复垦项目设计书进行复垦。
  负责组织实施土地复垦项目的国土资源主管部门应当健全Project management制度,加强项目实施中的指导、管理和监督。 
  Chapter IV Acceptance of land reclamation
  第二十八条 土地复垦义务人按照土地复垦方案的要求完成土地复垦任务后,应当按照国务院国土资源主管部门的规定向所在地县级以上地方人民政府国土资源主管部门申请验收,接到申请的国土资源主管部门应当会同同级农业、林业、环境保护等有关部门进行验收。
  第二十九条 负责组织验收的国土资源主管部门应当会同有关部门在接到土地复垦验收申请之日起60个工作日内完成验收,Qualified by experience,Issue acceptance confirmation letter to the land reclamation obligor;Experience received unqualified,Provide written rectification opinions to the land reclamation obligor,List the things that need to be rectified,The land reclamation obligor shall re-apply for acceptance inspection after completing the rectification。
  第三十条 政府投资的土地复垦项目竣工后,负责组织实施土地复垦项目的国土资源主管部门应当依照本条例第二十八条第二款的规定进行初步验收。初步验收完成后,负责组织实施土地复垦项目的国土资源主管部门应当按照国务院国土资源主管部门的规定向上级人民政府国土资源主管部门申请最终验收。The competent department of land and resources of the people's government at a higher level shall, together with the relevant departments, organize timely inspection and acceptance。
  第三十一条 复垦为农用地的,负责组织验收的国土资源主管部门应当会同有关部门在验收合格后的5年内对土地复垦效果进行跟踪评价,并提出改善土地质量的建议和措施。
  Chapter V: Incentive measures for land reclamation
  第三十二条 土地复垦义务人在规定的期限内将生产建设活动损毁的耕地、林地、牧草地等农用地复垦恢复原状的,依照国家有关税收法律法规的规定退还已经缴纳的耕地占用税。
  第三十三条 Social investment in the reclamation of damaged land left over from history or land damaged by natural disasters,属于无使用权人的国有土地的,经县级以上人民政府依法批准,可以确定给投资单位或者个人长期从事种植业、林业、畜牧业或者渔业生产。
  Social investment in the reclamation of damaged land left over from history or land damaged by natural disasters,Land owned by peasant collectives or state-owned land owned by holders of the right to use the land,有关国土资源主管部门应当组织投资单位或者个人与土地权利人签订土地复垦协议,Clarify the objectives and tasks of reclamation and the land use and income distribution after reclamation。
  第三十四条 历史遗留损毁和自然灾害损毁的国有土地的使用权人,以及历史遗留损毁和自然灾害损毁的农民集体所有土地的所有权人、使用权人,自行将损毁土地复垦为耕地的,由县级以上地方人民政府给予补贴。
  第三十五条 县级以上地方人民政府将历史遗留损毁和自然灾害损毁的建设用地复垦为耕地的,按照国家有关规定可以作为本省、自治区、直辖市内进行非农建设占用耕地时的补充耕地指标。
  Chapter VI Legal liability
  第三十六条 负有土地复垦监督管理职责的部门及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予处分;直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员构成犯罪的,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:
  (2) withholding, occupying or misappropriating land reclamation fees;
  (3) resorting to fraud in the acceptance of land reclamation;
  (6) other acts of favoritism, abuse of power or dereliction of duty。
  Article 37 Before the implementation of these Regulations, the procedures for land use for construction have been completed or mining licenses have been obtained,本条例施行后继续从事生产建设活动造成土地损毁的土地复垦义务人未按照规定补充编制土地复垦方案的,The competent land and resources department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order rectification within a time limit;Not corrected within the time limit,A fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan。
  第三十八条 土地复垦义务人未按照规定将土地复垦费用列入生产成本或者建设项目总投资的,The competent land and resources department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order rectification within a time limit;Not corrected within the time limit,处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款。
  第三十九条 土地复垦义务人未按照规定对拟损毁的耕地、林地、牧草地进行表土剥离,The competent land and resources department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order rectification within a time limit;Not corrected within the time limit,按照应当进行表土剥离的土地面积处每公顷1万元的罚款。
  第四十条 土地复垦义务人将重金属污染物或者其他有毒有害物质用作回填或者充填材料的,The competent environmental protection department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order the cessation of the illegal act,Take control measures within a time limit,decontamination,Be imposed a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan;Failing to take remedial measures within the time limit,The competent department of environmental protection may designate a unit capable of governance on its behalf,The cost shall be borne by the offender。
  第四十一条 土地复垦义务人未按照规定报告土地损毁情况、土地复垦费用使用情况或者土地复垦工程实施情况的,The competent land and resources department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order rectification within a time limit;Not corrected within the time limit,处2万元以上5万元以下的罚款。
  第四十二条 土地复垦义务人依照本条例规定应当缴纳土地复垦费而不缴纳的,The competent land and resources department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order the payment within a time limit;Overdue payment,A fine of not less than one time and not more than two times the land reclamation fee shall be paid,Where the land reclamation obligation is a mining enterprise,The mining license shall be revoked by the organ that issued the mining license。
  Article 43 The obligor of land reclamation refuses or obstructs the supervision and inspection by the land and resources departments,Or resorting to fraud while accepting supervision and inspection,The competent department of land and resources shall order it to make corrections,Be imposed a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan;The relevant responsible persons constitute acts violating the administration of public security,The public security organs shall impose administrative penalties for public security according to law;The relevant responsible person constitutes a crime,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。
  破坏土地复垦工程、设施和设备,构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法予以治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。
  Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
  Article 44 These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation。The Provisions on Land Reclamation promulgated by The State Council on November 8, 1988 shall be annulled at the same time。